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Interns: The Future Powerhouse of Your Team

Frank Blecha
Frank Blecha
2 min read
Interns: The Future Powerhouse of Your Team

Table of Contents

Embracing Intern Potential

It's high time we flip the script on interns. Yes, they're green and might take longer to find their footing, but that's precisely the point. Interns are raw talent, unshaped diamonds, and with the proper guidance, they can shine. Forget about treating them like temporary placeholders. These are your future full-time employees (FTEs) in the making, so let's get them rolling on real projects with real teams. It's not about babysitting; it's about integrating them into the fabric of your workforce.

The Internship Game Plan

Let's ditch the 'make-work' projects and the kid-gloves treatment. Throw them into the mix and give them a slice of the real action. You're not just giving them tasks; you're testing their mettle. Can they learn on the fly? Do they gel with the team? Are they showing up not just physically but mentally and emotionally? This summer job is their proving ground. And for them? It's a goldmine of actual work experience, a far cry from textbook scenarios and classroom theories. When they're hunting for their next gig, they'll have real, meaty experience to talk about – not just fluff.

When It's Not a Fit: Pivot, Don't Panic

Sometimes, despite best efforts, an intern might not gel with a team. No sweat. This scenario isn't a dead end; it's a detour. Their skills might light up in a different department. They may need a more hands-on approach with you at the helm. If you're swamped, think of it as an opportunity for them to spearhead a self-driven project. And if a transfer to another department is on the cards, play it smart – remember, this is about finding their fit, not just moving a piece on the board.

The Hard Call: When to Say Goodbye

Let's face it: sometimes it just doesn't work out. And that's okay. It's a tough call, but you might only extend an offer to an intern if they meet the mark after an entire summer. If you don't extend an offer, consider the ripple effects – from social media chatter to your relationship with their college. But remember, it's about the health and efficiency of your team. Making the hard call is part of the gig, and sometimes, it's the most responsible thing you can do for your team and the intern's future development.

Ultimately, managing interns is about striking that perfect balance – nurturing their potential while keeping your team's dynamics and goals front and center. It's a juggling act, but get it right, and you'll contribute to their growth and potentially groom your organization's future stars. Now, that's a win-win.


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